

9:47 AM

Happy #NationalSiblingsDay 

"My sisters remind me, by their very steadfastness, that truth, beauty and goodness exist in the world and that no matter what, there are and always will be people loving people through thick and thin."

I gave in to the bandwagon. But whatever, I hope I'm not too late to upload my very own #NationalSiblingsDay post. I just found out about it today. It's not even on the calendar. WTF! Hahaha! Anyways, these two girls on my left and right are my younger sisters Caicai and Greta.

Whenever something happens to them both, I usually get to be blamed. It's only natural since I'm the eldest. We grew up together and we shared the same thoughts and experiences through the years. Of course, I'm stuck with these two since we are the Tres Marias and only AG girls in the family. 

Growing up, we also had our share of arguments and differences but I wouldn't trade all that for anything in the world because after all, aside from your parents, the next best thing you have are your siblings. I remember the days when we would take a bath together in the rain, play jumping rope and with dollhouses in our old apartment. I smile at the thought of us getting excited with swimming in pools, wearing the same clothes but with different sizes/colors and drive-thru's with Mom and Dad. Though we used to quarrel a lot, we're also very tight, tight in a way where we always have our inside jokes that only the three of us could understand and people would even tell us how alike we are because of how we talk and our weird and crazy reactions to stuff. I have no regrets at all because without them, life would seem too black and white. 

Right now, it gives me so much pride to see them two grow up to be fine and beautiful ladies ready to take on the world. I might not always have been a good example to them but I'll always protect them in any way I can.

Yes, this is an obligatory post and I don't care. Hahaha! Thank you for adding spice to my life my dear sisters. I love you even though you laugh at me when I eat a lot or even when you look at your gadgets way too much. Haha. Let's always be happy and crazy together as the years will pass!

"Older Siblings... The only people who will pick on you for their own entertainment and beat up anyone else who tries."

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