

8:27 PM

The Panda tries to learn the art of...

Nope, not martial arts... It's another M!

So last November 3, 2016, I was one of the six ladies who got to join the first batch of the Basic Makeup Workshop by Frank Tongco. I got really excited when my Mom encouraged me to join because she knows how much I love to learn about makeup and learning from THE Frank Tongco himself would be such a privilege. Frank Tongco is one of the city's well-known makeup artists and I've always been a fan of his work. From daytime makeup to high fashion makeup to bridal makeup, just name it. He knows what to do! (Hi Frank! Merese! Hahaha!)

Are you one of those people who really hoards on a lot of makeup and never gets to really use all of them because you don't know how to really use them? Yes, my friend. You are just like me -- a makeup hoarder. I believe that's what they call someone like that these days. It was really a nice experience! Scroll on and read how the day went as we personally learned from the master himself.

Venue: Sweet Crafts Cafe

Ready the weapons!!!
Our makeup tables and we get free makeup brushes too!
The workshop was held at the dollhouse-like Sweet Crafts Cafe. It's a craft store and a cafe at the same time located along Arch. Santiago Hayes Street of Cagayan de Oro City. If you were a student, wouldn't you love going inside your classroom and see this sight?! Such a girl's dream. I mean, every kikay girl's dream that is. The girls started arriving and we started gearing up for battle in 3, 2, 1...

Frank Tongco at his craft
The room radiated good vibes the whole time. Frank was joined by his ever-supportive friends who also gave relevant tips about makeup. Throughout the workshop, Frank was able to share about how he started in the fashion industry, his personal opinions on doing his makeup and of course, his recommended products which I was really happy about because I almost have the same ones in my makeup kit too.

I've learned from Frank that there isn't really an "exact" makeup procedure because each makeup artist has a different style. It's really up to you. But first things first, one must really learn the basics of makeup. Things like cleaning your makeup brushes, always beginning with primer and investing in good makeup brands are just some of the points I've learned during his talk.

As a self-confessed makeup junkie, I've only relied on YouTube makeup tutorials and amazing friends about everything on makeup. During events, it's either I do my makeup or I get it done by a few trusted MUAs I know so I was really excited with what I could learn more from the host of the event. I was glad that Frank also did a step-by-step tutorial on how he does his makeup on his clients. I laughed to myself as he did the eyebrow part because I'm really bad at doing my kilay! (Like as in! I envy people who do their brows so well gyud!)

I loved the contouring part too because that's basically every chubby cheek girl's holy grail! Everything about the workshop was really useful especially for girls like me who feel like it's somehow mandatory to put even just a bit of makeup (because I'd look so pale or sickly if I don't! Kahit kilay or lipstick lang is okay na. Haha!). Okay. Kidding aside, the makeup session was really helpful as we got to learn the purpose of each makeup brush and how to use them. We were like... Whoa, amazing!

My client for the day: Sheila Bullecer
(Allow me to feel this moment! Hahaha!)
Dare to bare!!! #nofilter #nomakeup #nokilay #shamelesspost
We were randomly paired with each other on the later part. Frank told us to apply what we've learned on our fellow workshop-mates. Like literally apply on the face. Lol. It was really so challenging for me because I was afraid she might not like the outcome of my work. Haha! It was a good thing that Sheila was so game so we really had fun doing each other's faces. Everyone was obviously having a good time. We felt like kindergarten students who were busy coloring, only we had to color our faces and not coloring books. We took before and after photos too so you can see the result later. OMG!

Na challenge talaga ako! Huhu. Sheila, ba't parang you're naturally good at this na?!
Halfway there!
Just got done with Sheila's daytime makeup
So what do you guys think? (Pwede na ba? Haha! Please be nice to me!) I love daytime makeup. That's what I did on Sheila here. I focused on her eyebrows and eyes which I think were her best assets. I didn't go for red lips or anything dark because it would only make the look heavy. For me, emphasized eyes and brows paired with almost-nude lips are the best for an everyday look. So guys, tell me, do I have a shot at being a makeup artist na? Tell meeeeee! Hahaha!

Frank with his gorgeous model of the day, Daijo
Beautiful ladies everywhere!
Thank you, Sheila! I love the finished look.
I can now hashtag #eyebrowsonfleek
Photo-ops with the jolly mentor and these dolls
Photo grabbed from Koylee Ocaya
Of course, no one becomes an expert overnight. I know I'm gonna need a lot of practice, like seriously more practice AND patience, till I get it right. It's going to be an exciting makeup goal then!

It's official! #touchedbyfranktongco
What an afternoon well-spent -- tummies were full, eyebrows were on fleek, and the makeup was on point. I was so glad to have met new friends again and to have gained a lot of learnings which will surely come in handy sooner or later.  I don't want to spoil you with all the deets because...

Good news to those who still want to join BATCH 2 of Frank Tongco's Makeup Workshop. There will be another one this November 6, 2016. You can message him for more inquiries. Hurray!

Hope you enjoyed reading! :)

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